BIG NEWS from the Knights!
While these last two years working with Wycliffe Associates has been rewarding, we are very excited to share that Josh has accepted a position as Youth Pastor at New Community Church in Maple Valley, WA. Something that we are beyond excited to step back into together.
Puerto Rico Segunda Parte (Part 2)
… This workshop was pretty similar to the one we had back in June, but this time it was a whirlwind… A condensed crash course tailored specifically for our new team members…
Puerto Rico Revision Workshop
In early June, I had the privilege of leading a Bible revision event in Puerto Rico. I was joined by 12 nationals who we trained and commissioned to revise the Old Testament of the Latin American Spanish Bible….
The Veil Removed
I had never been to this country before and only had preconceived ideas in my head from news and other places. I arrived ready to be surprised, and I sure was. I met 12 nationals who were overwhelmingly welcoming and excited that we were there. They were incredibly dedicated Christ-followers who were ridiculously intelligent, capable, and passionate friends; twelve highly credentialed individuals.