Puerto Rico Revision Workshop
In early June, I had the privilege of leading a Bible revision event in Puerto Rico. I was joined by 12 nationals who we trained and commissioned to revise the Old Testament of the Latin American Spanish Bible. The training was intensive, but it was also incredibly rewarding. These translators were trained in the history of our organization, translation/ revision methods, and the specific challenges of revising the Old Testament. We also provided the opportunity for a hands-on experience of the translation process.
During the second half of the training workshop we began the work of revising the Old Testament. The goal of our work was to produce a revision of the existing Spanish Bible that is accurate, natural, faithful to the original text and usable as a source text for translation into smaller languages in Latin America. The training went very well, and we are excited to see the impact that this revision will have on Heart Language translations occurring throughout Latin America.
In addition to training in the Bible revision process, I also had the opportunity to connect with many of the translators on a personal level. We shared meals, laughed together, and prayed together. It was a privilege to get to know them and to learn about their lives and their work.
The Bible revision event in Puerto Rico was an incredibly impactful experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it, and I am excited to see what God will do through the work of these faithful workers. I only wish I had had more time to explore Puerto Rico. It is a beautiful island with a rich history and culture. I hope I am able to see more of it on a return trip in the near future
Ways you can be praying for this team/ project:
Pray for the Lord to empower these translators to stay committed and diligent. This first project has ended, but there is still much work to be done to complete the full revision of the Old Testament.
Pray for patience and good communication between team members.
Pray for my team leader in Puerto Rico who has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders.
Pray against conflict, that the team members would be gracious to one another and work well together over the long haul.,
Pray for wisdom in making revision choices.
Pray for good health and for no major roadblocks for the duration of this project.